Student Information


Academic Integrity on Campus
The purpose of an Aquinas education is to instill in the student a quest for knowledge, a love for learning, and a pursuit of truth which comes from being an active member of an academic community with fellow students and faculty. Central to this community is the personal integrity of each member.
Dishonesty in any form is an extremely serious offense and the College has a strict policy regarding academic dishonesty that includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism and any form of cheating on coursework and examinations.
It is understood that all academic work which a student submits to his/her instructor is the result of the student's own work. When a student submits work claimed to be his or her own, but which in any way borrows ideas, organization, wording, or anything else from some other source without an appropriate acknowledgment of that fact, the student is guilty of plagiarism.
Plagiarism may take many forms. In general, however, it can be defined as presenting as one's own, the words or work or opinions of someone else. Students commit plagiarism if they submit as their own work:
  • Part or all of an assignment copied or paraphrased from another source, such as a book, a magazine, or a manuscript, without written acknowledgment;
  • Material prepared by another person or organization;
  • The sequence of ideas, arrangement of material, or thought-pattern of someone else. Plagiarism occurs when such a sequence of ideas is transferred from the source(s) to a paper without the process of reflection, integration, and reorganization in the writer's mind, and without written acknowledgment. 

Students are accomplices in plagiarism and equally guilty if they:

  • Willfully allow their work, such as a paper in outline or finished form, to be copied and submitted as the work of another;
  • Prepare a written assignment for another student and allow it to be submitted as his/her own work.
  • When in doubt as to the criteria for writing reports and papers, it is the student's responsibility to consult beforehand with the instructor who will receive the finished work.

For more information about avoiding plagiarism, please see the Avoiding Plagiarism Tutorial.


Academic Integrity
Dr. Heather Kesselring-Quakenbush
Academic Integrity Liaison